We gotted 1 green sparkle Easter egg. The Easter bunny hided it and then I found it. Since we are the Jewish of kitties and do not celebrate Easter, that is why we only gotted 1. Mamaw gotted it for us when she visitated our friend Chauncey's (she doesn't have a blog, I think she didn't keep up with the technologies because she is already almost 15 years of old!) beans, because they were making eggs. Here is me with my first Easter egg. I think it smells funny.
When it is Jewish Passover pretty soon what we have to do is make sure we don't eat any breads except Matza. That will not be so hard for us because we do not eat breads!! haw haw haw. It
is probably hard for Mamaw since she will hvae to switch to kitty foods...maybes.
Also, our friend Hello sended me a birthday present!! It came in the mail today. We are very excited but Mamaw had to hided it from us because we could smell like there is something good in there and we kept trying to eat the envelope. Hello is soo nice. I am so glad she is my BFF.
Also, we maked a change to the toilet training setup today. This time Mamaw enlargened a hole but instead of in the middle of the setup it is a little to the side. We hopes that after 1 months of doing good without a hole (well, we have had a pencil sized one for about 2 weeks) that Figaro will be able to handle the change. I wants him to learn already so we can continues!!!
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what a pretty egg, it is good for whapping i'm sure. please let us know what kind of special stuff you do for Passover. we like learning about all our friends!
you are so cute! i can't wait for your birthday party!
That's a very pretty egg, Veronica. And even though you don't celebrate Easter, we wish you and yours an eggxtra special day!
Rocky & staff
That is a very cute egg! Enjoy playing with it!
happy easter veronica! we don't celebrate either. mommy's not berry religious. but at least you gotted a pretty egg.
only 2 more days until your berfday!
That egg is very pretty! But please be careful of eggs, because I learned they come from chicken's BOTTOMS!
Dat iz one nice egg! I tink it looks like a lot of fun. Can you eats it afterwardz?
Partee! Partee!!!
It is exciting that you got one pretty green egg! I hope that you enjoy it! I am sorry to hear that you had fleas too when you got to your furrever home! I am glad that we are no flea-less!
Very purty egg. You can whap it until it breaks! Why do toys always break, anyways?
Happy happy Easter my friends!
Dat's a furry pretty colored egg yoo gots dare. We love eggs. Yoo should bat it around a little, and schmaybe hide it somewhere and den go find it on Passover. Den again, it might be a little smelly by den.
Happy Easter and good luck with the toilet training. Purrs FAZ
That egg will be lots of fun to play with!!
2 words:: Gefilte Fish!!
That egg looks like it would be fun to play with.Iy's good to play in the sun too!!
I agree with Hendrix :) We like to learn about our friends !
Purrs Mickey
That is such a pretty picture! We don't celebrate ANY holidays, but we put up a happy easter picture this year anyways because Mrs. OZ wanted to participate in Koobuss Easter Bonnet contest, hahahahahahahahaha!
Veronica - we tagged you for the middle name meme!
I think that green egg is very beautiful~!! Happy Easter to you!
Happy Happy Evrything furr evrycatz! Nice to meet ya, this is our furry first time to visit you...we love eggs & eat them, hahahaha, surely you've pretty egg there. See ya around:)
Though things get rough lately, Meaouwy Troops still like to share their furryfriend story about the unusual mark on her body and helping mommy disclose one of the reasons why we become the best communicator with humans:) so check them out in our blogs to find it more.
Aw what a pretty kitty you are! And that is a pretty Easter egg too. Don't pay attention to mean beans, *they* have no lives. You've got nine. :D Keep bloggin!
I tink dats fun to studee plastik eggs...deyz round and rolls somewherz...
weze dont haves eastur eggs neevur... weze puts an egg on our sedur playt fur da temple.
Weze sorta mixed up in our howse bouts faith stuffins cuz katrin growed up wif a pentacostal granpa...
but hurs mama's mama's mama was Jewish...dat maternal stuffins counts.
Abouts being French... Katrin been to Franse and den hur papa purrson's papa was a French Jewish guy... dats whers she gets hur nayme "Kittel" ... somwherz in dat line dey went frum Germanee to Franse to Canada to Vurginyah.
Sohs weze reely looking furward to Pass ovfur... and its not soh hards in our famblee. cuz Mama can't eat nohz bread wif gluten or yeastees!! And noh Dairee neevfurr!! Soh weze passovfur koshur all yehr! (mostlee...Katrin needs to tayk a koshur cookin class)
Purrs and Mazeltovs
Katrin and Spunkee...
and da rest uv da koshur kittees
(Dats Katie Too smellin Rohses.... well sumtimes weze koshur... weze cant reed da labels...mummee reeds dem fur us...sohz no mohr shrimp kittee foodz)