Our Fishes got Deaded

Hi kitties,

I have some sad news. With the new approach of the winter, we tried to bring some of the pond fishes indoors but they were too too big for Figaro's new aquarium (that he got for the moneys he won as a top 10 finalist in the petsmart contest). So unfortunately we had to remove the fishes back to the pond and yesterday 2 of our fishes were deaded, Milton and John Nash. Dad-bean buried them in our backyard. Poor poor Milton and John. We are very sad. Here is John (the speckled one, he is a Shubunkin) and Milton (the orange one) in the photo of them when they were still in our aquarium that was too small. They were very good pets. We also have three other fishes in the pond, Vernon, Samuelson and Bazerman. We seen Vernon swimming around near the bottom but there is no signs of Samuelson or Bazerman, who are twins. Maybe they are alive and hiding on the bottom. We really hope Vernon does not die. We buyed them a pond heater and so they should survive. We are hopeful. I think they wented to fishie-rainbow-land.


  1. Kiddo said...

    Poor Fishes! We've got one Fish and he's lazy like me...but he's been hangin on. He's a catfish and likes to clean the bottom of the fish tank. His name is Danny Tanner.


  2. The Island Cats said...

    That's sad about your fishes...yep, they are in the big pond at the rainbow bridge swimming around...

    We hope your other fishes are okay.  

  3. Gemini and Ichiro said...

    Oh we are sorry about your fishes.  

  4. Daisy said...

    Oh Veronica, I am very sorry your fishies got deaded.  

  5. Cafe Cats said...

    Oh poor fishies! Theys gets to go to the Rainbow Bridge too and there are other fishies for thems to swim with.  

  6. Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

    We are very sorry about your fishes. Somebody told us they hibernate in the winter (like bears), so maybe the others are hiding in the bottom of the pond. ~S,S & C  

  7. Samantha & Mom said...

    Oh no!! Poor fishies!! We hope the heater helps the outside fishies stay warm! Purrrrs for you lost fishies!
    Your FL furiends,  

  8. Kaz's Cats said...

    We're sorry about your fishies. We hope the others will be okay outside with the heater.


    Gypsy & Tasha  

  9. Jen said...

    oh no!! :(  


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