Our guppy-buppy needs a name!

Hi kitties,

a few days ago Figaro finally gotted guppys for his aquarium!!! We got 2 guppys for now, they are both boys, one is a Tuxedo Guppy and one is a Delta Lyretail guppy. Our Aunt V. named the Lyretail guppy Gerry. But we have not named the other one. What should we calls him? He looks like this one on the left!


Mommie helped make a Baby Shower!

Hi kitties,

A few weekends ago mommy helped plan a baby shower for her friend's new baby who is coming this month! She did a lot of neat things for it and we gotted to help (but not to eat.)

Here is a coconut-flavored cake with rose petals. It was very pretty.

Here are the cookies she made that are in the shapes of strollers. They are just like OUR stroller but only for a baby! I got to eat some of the cookie dough because it is my favorite food. But only a little bit because that is Not Healthy for kitties. The cookies all say the baby's name on them! Mommy worked all the night to make 30 cookies. We stayed up with her of course.

We think they look very cute, all in blue and yellow because the baby will be a boy!

Mommy also showed up the diaper cake that mommy made a long time ago for a centerpiece at the party. And mommy made some Fun centerpieces with white roses and blue bows that were fun to play with (but we were not allowed to play very long)

Now...guess what is the Funny Part???

Mommy's friend gave us a prezint for making such a pretty baby shower.

But the prezint was not for mommy...

it was for us!!!

Silly mommy, prezints are for KIDS!

Here is the prezint that we gotted. Both Figaro and I gotted brand new stinky goodness bowls! Lookit how nice they are. They are ceramic with black color and copper paw prints!

Here is me sniffing on my bowl. It sniffs like blurpy baby.

Gimme some stinky in here...




Hi Kitties,

I stucked my tongue out today because it is SNOWING! I kind of likes it. But we do not go outside when it is cold. I may go outside later if I can find my purple sweater to wear.
We are going to be doing many things this week. Number One, we are going to PUT UP THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! And I tell you what kitties, this is the First Year that we are going to have our New Year's Tree! (A New Years Tree is almost exactly like a Christmas Tree only for 1/2-Russian kitties.) It is going to be Fake but I think still very eggsiting. I have never seed one before. Also, this evening Mommie is going to go get Figaro's Guppies. They are his present for doing so good in the Petsmart contest. I think she will just get 2 guppies right now, but for Christmas we are going to get a few more to make a nice School of guppies. Lot of things going on this Howliday Seezon!!! :)

PS, I can't wait for my friend Hello's present to arrival!!!


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